PTA Position Descriptions (as of February 2019)
PTA President
The presiding officer and the official representative of the association.
1st Vice President of Membership
Makes membership growth and retention a prioritized goal of the PTA by facilitating a yearlong membership campaign while growing a membership that is representative of the entire community.
Vice President of Fundraising
Focuses on raising the amount of funds needed to meet the proposed unit’s budget; Works with a committee to plan and organize fundraising activities; With Board support, solicits local businesses and maintains sponsorship relationships (shout-outs via social media like Facebook, signage, school marquee and flyers); Assists the President and leads meetings in their absence; Participates at Executive Board meetings and provide input for decisions.
Maintains the Secretary’s record book by taking minutes at both Executive and General Association meetings; Obtains the procedure book which contains the master set of the bylaws, list of members and other official documents and records of the PTA.
Keeps records and prepares reports to comply with local, state and federal laws. The Treasurer is an elected officer and the authorized custodian of all funds of the local PTA.
Determines the accuracy of the books and records of the financial officers.
Provides the members and the Executive Board with training on parliamentary procedures.
Assembles and preserves the record of activities and achievements of the PTA and assists the president in preparing the Annual Unit Historian Report.
Bingo Night Coordinator
Coordinates and plans two (2) Bingo events for the year (usually around November and February); Purchases prizes and food/drinks for the event; Runs the bingo game at each event by using a bingo board (easel); Spins the bingo number tumbler calling out numbers; Solicits additional volunteers to hand out prizes, food/drinks; Update the easel board with the numbers that have been called.
Book Exchange Coordinator
Schedules about six (6) Fridays for the Book Exchange and advertises these dates through PTA and Thursday folders; Organizes all of the book donations on the day of the book exchange and then help the students select their books after their lunch.
Box Top Coordinator
Runs collection contests; Works with school staff and teachers and explains how valuable Box Tops are for the school; Coordinates, collects, organizes and mails in all the Box Tops submitted by school supporters.
Communications Chair
Edits “Coyote Ridge Permission to Share Information [school year]” form to show upcoming year (this is done right BEFORE school starts); Ensures the above forms get distributed into FIRST Thursday folders of the school year; Alphabetizes all forms by STUDENT last name and keeps on-hand (completed AFTER school starts and once all forms are received from teachers); PURGE OLD and ADD NEW (by importing) names into PTA’s Software Tool/Database/Email Blaster named Constant Contact (Instructions are provided); Proof and approve all flyers that come from Chairs for their events; Sends all email “blasts” out that are requested by PTA.
Easy Money/Flyer Nights Chair
Coordinates and plans with local businesses to set up flyer events.
Educates parents about E-scrip program and explains how valuable E-scrips fundraising is for the school.
Father/Daughter Dance Coordinators & Father/Daughter Dance Committee
Secures a location for the event (the event has outgrown the multipurpose room capacity); Decides on a theme, utilizes existing PTA decorations (or buys new decorations), chooses and orders food; Organizes dance activities, music, photo options and favors for the event; Coordinates a committee to help set up, run, and clean up the event; Pays for the expenses out-of-pocket and gets reimbursed through the Treasurer; Makes and distributes the flyer/invitation in the Thursday folders (or edits a previous version); Collects the money, counts it on site (with assistance) and reconciles the cash and checks with a verification form.
Head Art Docent Chair
Collaborates effectively with parents, teachers, administrators, and the community to build, support and sustain ongoing arts instruction for all children; Assists in the recruiting of Art Docents for any teacher requesting an Art Docent.
Head Music Docent Chair
Collaborates effectively with parents, teachers, administrators, and the community to build, support and sustain ongoing music instruction for all children; Assists in the recruiting of Art Docents for any teacher requesting a Music Docent.
Head PE Docent Chair
Collaborates effectively with parents, teachers, administrators, and the community to build, support and sustain ongoing PE instruction for all children; Assists in the recruiting of Art Docents for any teacher requesting a PE Docent.
Hospitality Chair
Greets all guests at monthly meetings; Ensures each new member is personally welcomed by the Executive Board and introduces at membership meetings; Provides any snacks or drinks for General or Executive Board meetings and Room Parent meetings; Pays for the expenses out-of-pocket and gets reimbursed through the Treasurer under Hospitality Chair.
International Walk to School Day Coordinator
Recruits and coordinate route leaders (parents who meet on specific corners and then “lead” the kids towards school on a designated route); Plans a 15 minute celebration in the quad with music and healthy snacks that PTA provides; Makes packets for the route leaders that includes maps, signs and raffle tickets for the kids to turn in when the reach school (the entire event is over by 9 am); PTA has the tools and resources you need.
Kona Ice Coordinator
Oversees and coordinates Kona Ice Easy Money Events.
Mother/Son Event Coordinator
Secures a location for the event (the event has outgrown the multipurpose room capacity); Decides on a theme, utilizes existing PTA decorations (or buys new decorations), chooses and orders food; Organizes dance activities, music, photo options and favors for the event; Coordinates a committee to help set up, run, and clean up the event; Pays for the expenses out-of-pocket and gets reimbursed through the Treasurer; Makes and distributes the flyer/invitation in the Thursday folders (or edits a previous version); Collects the money, counts it on site (with assistance) and reconciles the cash and checks with a verification form.
Movie Night (4/5) Coordinator
Plans, coordinates and implements an age appropriate movie night (for 4th and 5th graders only) including securing a movie and snacks for all attendees; Produces flyer (or edits one from previous year) to advertise event.
Movie Matinee (TK-3rd) Coordinator
Plans, coordinates and implements an age appropriate movie matinee (for TK-3rd graders only) including securing a movie and snacks for all attendees; Produces flyer (or edits one from previous year) to advertise event.
Mugs and Muffins Coordinator
Newsletter Coordinator
Open House Coordinator
Picture Day Chair (works with Front Office to fill)
Works with the photography company the full two (2) days of Picture Day to help bring the classes to the MP Room (like a runner) for photos and ensures the students have combs and look presentable.
Room Parent & Volunteer Coordinator
Prints and distributes flyers for PIN Night/Ice Cream Social and Back-to-School-Night For the purpose of soliciting Room Parents for the new school year; Follows up BTS Night with emails to interested Room Parents/Docents and communicates directly with teachers to see which teachers are still in need; Holds ‘Room Parent Social for new Room Parents after the first PTA General Meeting and prints enough “Room Parent Guidelines” documents for distribution; Maintains spreadsheet of current Room Parents emails and cell numbers by classroom (spreadsheet is created and available from previous Chair); Works with Room Parents to ensure they have necessary information for sending to families for Staff Appreciation Week.
Skate Night Coordinator
Arranges 2-3 roller skate nights per school year (1 in fall and 1-2 in spring) at Roller King in Roseville; Calls Roller King in the spring or summer prior to the school year to set up dates for skate nights as their calendar fills up quickly (once you have the Coyote Ridge school and PTA calendars of events for the upcoming school year); Ensures flyers arrive from Roller King as they will create them and drop them off at the school office (it is helpful if you give them a drop off date that coordinates with when the flyers need to go in the Thursday folders).
Spirit Wear Coordinator
Staff Appreciation Committee
Creates and runs Staff/Teacher Appreciation Week (traditionally at the beginning of May), including gifts and luncheon as well as any other goodies (work with Room Parent Coordinator); Purchases and distributes Starbucks monthly birthday gift cards for all staff; Coordinates and purchases monthly (or bi-monthly) treat (example: Coffee Truck like Farmhouse Coffee or Noah’s bagels) or luncheon; Provides snacks/lunch for parent-teacher conference week.
Trunk or Treat Coordinator
Solicits candy donations from local businesses and the school community; Encourages school participation in signing up to host trunks; Coordinates and organizes trunk participants for set-up and clean-up times; Recruits enough volunteers to run supplemental candy and non-candy donations to participant trunks and close off the parking lot.
Webmaster/Social Media Coordinator